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Tagged: Water governance

Critically caring for water

Care is both a concept and an attitude. Therefore, the fourth episode of the series “Caring in water governance” – written by Christelle Gramaglia, Andres Verzijl, Tavengwa Chitata, Hajar Choukrani, Caroline Lejars, and Arianna...

Can a model care?

In the third episode of the series “Caring matters in water governance”, Rozemarijn ter Horst, Bruno Bonté and Jean-Philippe Venot address critical questions about modelling that are seldom raised in scientific and professional debates...

Caring matters in knowing water

The introductory post of a series on “Caring matters in knowing water” based on the research undertaken by Margreet Zwarteveen during her FIAS Fellowship at the Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions, and on...

Follow the mosquito: a collaborative research at the intersection between water, health and gender

In this collective blogpost, Clara Roa (Fundación Evaristo García, Cali), Tatiana Acevedo-Guerrero (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Cecilia Roa-García (CIDER Universidad de los Andes Bogotá), Alejandro Camargo (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla), Claudia Romero-Vivas (Tropical Diseases...

Above water, about movies

Three weeks ago, IHE Delft and the festival Movies that matter organized the screening of “Above water”, a documentary on climate changes implications for access to water in a small village in Niger. The...